Thanks to its strong and safe magnets, you can attach it with a single click. You can also stand the device on its own. It can be customized via your Senses Hive for Professionals with Bluetooth LE connection or via the mobile app, so you can set its sampling frequency and program it as part of your Senses smart system.
By setting automated programs, you can optimize the temperature for daytime and set a different program for night-time. Plus, your unit is smart enough that it can turn off your air-con when your shop or office is closed.
• Wireless communication
• Temperature sensor
• Humidity sensor
• Smoke sensor
• Bluetooth Low Energy connection
• AAA batteries
• Small size
• Ergonomic design
• Durable, designed for 24/7 operation
• Low energy consumption
• Light indicator with beacon function
• Smart notifications
• Works with Android and iOS devices
• A wide range of functions to choose from
• Compatible with Senses Sensor Holder
Smart IoT szenzor, amelynek nem kerüli el semmi sem a figyelmét
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